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Thanks to them for being so cool and understanding. This is my whole identity, so I appreciate it.
This journo described my style as "enigmatic; a true a panther" and I hate to correct their fine work, but it’s actually "Fiona Apple in the Criminal video"
Cruelty doesn’t become permissible because it gave birth to you. Enough with the concern trolling, please.
Mine treated me poorly, and I respect myself too much to respond to them with the compassion they never gave me.
I really hate this "you only get one family" mentality.
And speaking of nasty opportunists! LOL NM ABOUT MY MOM, I spoke too soon.
Really, Martha? Terry Richardson. #k
Like seriously, high fives to everyone involved. Don’t recognize any of your names but I will soon. You’re onto something big here
There is a porno on PPV titled “Fear of Clothing in Las Vegas” and that’s the best thing I’ve ever heard, and not just bc I’m drunk
I know I talk a lot of shit but honestly this hole is still nicer than most places I’ve lived. I feel kinda affectionate towards it ...
Oh cool! Just opened the curtains and I’m looking at an alleyway that is also a cemetery. #AMENITIES
I made this whole feast and now I’m eating Dominos and a sketch vending machine dessert alone
I was not built to live in temps <60 and now my heater’s broken on Tgiving. Now spending mine at a motel in godknowswhere
Thinking of Michael Brown, his loved ones, the people of #Ferguson, and all victims of police violence today.
There is no circumstance under which a person ought to have a “clean conscience” after taking a life.
How messed up is it that I’m thankful for escaping the criminal justice system alive and unharmed?
References: 187K+ followers, Detective Marty Hart, Channing Tatum.
4. I will read a bitch to filth #comeatme
1. I dress real nice 2. I can bake brioche from scratch 3. Look at this skin
I may not be blonde or have a lifestyle empire (I should) but I’m highly qualified:
@GwynethPaltrow can I be your Blake? (Cc: @goop, Alabama King)
Y’all JAILBIRD CAKE just happened. She done did it. She went there.
What I am most grateful for this season is the Martha-Gwyneth feud and also that my mom’s not hitting me up for cash for once
Have I tweeted the #GirlsHBO season 4 trailer yet? I should have so here: …